The CEO of Dominion Voting Systems gave evidence after the Election that the Doninion machines are NOT connected to the Internet

See corporate presentation below by VP of Dominion that confirms the opposite !


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I would like to bring to all the readers attention the following case brought by Sen Louis Ghomert ( Rep ) against

VP Mike Pence


For those who don’t have the patience to read the submission , I will summarise it as best as I can

First some background:

On 6 Jan, 2021, there will be a joint sitting of Congress and the Electoral Votes for each state will be counted.

The constitution and the 12th Amendment appoint the President of the Senate ( who is in this case is Pence ) to preside over the meeting.

Neither The Constitution and the 12th Amendment authorise the House or the Senate to resolve controversies with the Electoral college votes ( in this case, 2 electoral college lists have been sent to be considered on 6th Jan . One list will appoint Trump and the other list will appoint Biden !

What complicated things is that in 1887 , Congress passed an Act called the Electoral Counting Act, which gave both Houses of Congress the power to resolve such a controversy

The problem is that that Act is unconstitutional because it affords a power to the Congress that neither the Constitution nor the 12th Amendment afforded. For a new Act to provide a change to the Constitution a 2/3 majority is required and that did not take place in 1887.

This is what is the crux of Sen Ghomert’s case is. To obtain a ruling that Pence, being the presider over the 6th Jan meeting, is the only one that has constitutional power to deal with the dispute that will take place on the 6th . Namely that the Electoral College Votes in Michigan, Wisconsin , Pennsylvania, Georgia and Arizona were illegally certified due to the fraud that took place in those 6 states

The judge ruled ( knowing that Ghomert’s case was correct ) that the suit should have been against Congress, which in my view is incorrect and a copout.


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I would like to bring to all the readers attention the following case brought by Sen Louis Ghomert ( Rep ) against

VP Mike Pence


For those who don’t have the patience to read the submission , I will summarise it as best as I can

First some background:

On 6 Jan, 2021, there will be a joint sitting of Congress and the Electoral Votes for each state will be counted.

The constitution and the 12th Amendment appoint the President of the Senate ( who is in this case is Pence ) to preside over the meeting.

Neither The Constitution and the 12th Amendment authorise the House or the Senate to resolve controversies with the Electoral college votes ( in this case, 2 electoral college lists have been sent to be considered on 6th Jan . One list will appoint Trump and the other list will appoint Biden !

What complicated things is that in 1887 , Congress passed an Act called the Electoral Counting Act, which gave both Houses of Congress the power to resolve such a controversy

The problem is that that Act is unconstitutional because it affords a power to the Congress that neither the Constitution nor the 12th Amendment afforded. For a new Act to provide a change to the Constitution a 2/3 majority is required and that did not take place in 1887.

This is what is the crux of Sen Ghomert’s case is. To obtain a ruling that Pence, being the presider over the 6th Jan meeting, is the only one that has constitutional power to deal with the dispute that will take place on the 6th . Namely that the Electoral College Votes in Michigan, Wisconsin , Pennsylvania, Georgia and Arizona were illegally certified due to the fraud that took place in those 6 states

The judge ruled ( knowing that Ghomert’s case was correct ) that the suit should have been against Congress, which in my view is incorrect and a copout.

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Sorry Yankel but I do not respond to comments that have nothing to do with the subject matter of my articles.

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Bill Barr was fired by Donald Trump and left his position on 23rd December.

Barr chose not to indict any of the senior management of the FBI such as Comey, McCabe , Stzrok, Page, Orr despite that they all conspired to obtain a falsely obtained FISA warrant to ‘wiretap‘ Trump In Trump tower

This surveillance continued after Donald Trump became President !

When a document signed by a Democrat register lawyer at the FBI called Kevin Clinesmith was declassified, Barr was FORCED to indict Clinesmith, who altered a CIA document to try and protect Comey etc from

the false application for the FISA warrant .

A US Government official altering a CIA document is obviously a serious offence.

Barr pushed off the Clinesmith trial for months so that Biden’s

new Attorney General would feel with it.

well guess what happened last Friday ?

Clinesmith was given probation !

How neat !

Yet Barr was “happy” with the Roger Stone ( one time confidant of Donald Trump )

sentence of 4.5 years for lying to the FBI !

But Barr did not indict Comey,McCabe etc who in addition to have been found to be involved in a conspiracy to surveil Pres Trump , also lies under oath to the Senate.

But unlike Stone, neither Comey, McCabe, Stzrok, Page, Orr were NOT even indicted

Barr was also in charge of the Federal prisons, and should have been removed the day after Epstein was found dead in his cell in Aug 2019

Senator Ben Sasse, chairman of the United States Senate Judiciary oversight subcommittee, later wrote Barr a letter saying, "The Department of Justice failed." He added, "Given Epstein's previous attempted suicide, he should have been locked in a padded room under unbroken, 24/7, constant surveillance.

guards were asleep when he died

The US justice system is completely corrupt .

Barr was responsible for the various types of election fraud, as the fraudsters knew from the above , that Barr would turn a blind eye to it, which he did

On or about 17th Nov , without even looking at the hundred of affidavits by election scrutineers submitted to Sidney Powell and Rudy Giuliani,

Barr stayed that

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The following is part of the detailed evidence that the Supreme Court refused to hear till after 20th Jan


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