Sitemap - 2021 - DAVID’s Newsletter

Christian Leaders play anti-Israel political games in Jerusalem

Trump-Netanyahu legacy eclipses Trump's rancour over Netanyahu's phone call to Biden

UN action on Trump Peace Plan can deter Iran-Israel conflict

UN abandons moral compass in waging semantic warfare on Israel

Israel swallows UN, EU and Arab propaganda on Judea and Samaria

UN anti-Jewish bias hinders end to Arab-Jewish conflict

UN and EU semantic war in Judea and Samaria backfires

Restoring Jordanian citizenship to West Bank Arabs is key to peace

Biden backs UN racist plan to exclude Jews from East Jerusalem

European Union and Germany plot to see Jerusalem divided

Antisemitic EU & ECRI policies on Israel cannot be whitewashed

EU will defund UNRWA for using PA textbooks inciting Jew-hatred

Biden and Pelosi silent on Jew-hatred in Democratic Party

Jew-hater joins Prince Harry & Meghan as Icons in TIME Top 100

Arizona shames Biden on Ben & Jerry’s boycott of Jews

Bennett schmoozes, Biden snoozes, mainstream media disabuses

Bennett kowtows to Biden and jettisons Trump

Biden and Bennett need to jointly adopt or dump Trump Peace Plan

Israel boosts Biden image whilst blunting UN and EU Jew-bashing

Jordan is the Palestinian State: Hussein and Abdullah differ

King Abdullah cannot exclude Jordan from any two-state solution

UN discrimination against Jews traps Unilever and J Street

Lapid-Bennett consensus buries Biden’s renewed two-state solution bid

Abdullah-Biden meeting will not help resolve Jewish-Arab conflict

Israel signals end to EU-funded unauthorised building in West Bank

UN should start focusing on the Jordan-Israel two-state solution

Bennett set to shake-up global consensus on two-state solution

Israel’s dysfunctional Government cannot survive

New York Times and Washington Post bash Israel with false claims

Al Jazeera and AP cover up destruction of Hamas media mouthpiece

Strong Israeli Government can curb domestic Arab Jew-hatred

Arab riots challenge private Jewish ownership rights in Jerusalem

Israel reels from rockets, riots and arm-wrestles

Two-state solution sinks as Biden tries to resurrect it

Court orders inspection into possible counterfeit ballots in Georgia

Jordan reaches 100 as its ruling Hashemite dynasty implodes

Israel’s voting system needs urgent reform

Allegations of voter fraud in Fulton County to be investigated

Netanyahu’s feats merit his being Israel’s next Prime Minister

Democrats’ unarmed insurrection achieves spectacular success

Israel Arab human rights group fuels Jew-hatred

Trump blames Supreme Court inaction for 2020 election loss

West Bank and Gaza Arabs need to be rescued from PLO and Hamas

Action – not platitudes– required from Jordan’s King Abdullah

SCOTUS ensures 2020 US Election results remain a burning issue

The “State of Palestine” remains a United Nations mirage

SCOTUS needs to hear two petitions regarding the 2020 elections

The “State of Palestine” remains a United Nations mirage

Democrats impeaching Trump fuel hatred, division and violence

Jordan and Israel now the only viable two-state solution

Obama-Biden Spygate scandal receives judicial absolution

Biden declares Trump two-state solution dead and buried

President Biden ends national emergency on southern border

President Trump beaten by the pandemic

Trump’s indecision is sinking his own two-state solution

SCOTUS shirks its responsibility when needed most

SCOTUS abandons Congress and the American people

Trump pulls off another miracle in the Middle East

Counterfeit absentee ballot papers could be the smoking gun